Feedback Forum
ORLANDO'S First Album
"Comes a Salesman"

A detailed survey of 200 people has been done in order to gain honest feedback about ORLANDO's CD.
Here is a summary of the results:
1. On the average, each person liked 9 songs.
2. On the average, each person chose 3 songs to be a potential “hit”.
(To qualify the tune had to score a 9 or 10 out of 10)
3. 11 songs from this CD were chosen by various people as being their favorite.
“Well researched and planned. Excellent production quality. Unique baby boomer bonanza!”
Brian Clark (dentist)
“These are all very worthy songs! Almost impossible to pick a favorite. I will cherish listening to the whole album.”
John Noren (musician and salesman)
“Powerful messages. Well thought out.”
Darren Jacklin (professional speaker)
“This is one of the few CDs that I want other people to own.”
Bruce Harker (self-employed organic farmer)
“We like your music Todd. You’ve got something to say. Most songs are just mush.”
Danielle and Amanda DaSilva (age 10 and 11)
“Your CD is very well mixed and balanced. It sounds professional, not like an independent.
Therefore, it is very accessible to radio.”
Tony Abiad (concert promoter and musician)
“I can’t wait to listen to it again. It’s a great workout CD.”
Julie Sergeant
“I was surprised that your CD was so good! I wasn’t prepared for this.”
Kathy Baker (self-employed sales)
“Every man should hear the song lessons in romance.”
Debbie Noren (school teacher)
“I like every song on the CD. There is absolute clarity to your music and the lyrics.”
Walter Regier (retired businessman)
Bud Bremner (Coastal Mastering Studios)
“A good mixture of songs.”
Jenna Short (age 12)
“Every psychologist should own the song Self-Love, and give it out to every patient.”
Joe Dorval (alcohol and drug counsellor)
“Very good, professional energy.”
Glen Haley (computer related sales)
“Great sound and interesting lyrics. A nice change!”
Shirley Clark (pharmacist)
“One of the most excellently produced CDs I’ve ever heard.”
Mark Demers (landscaper)
“Good, clean, clear voice.”
Rick Short
“Very pleasant listening. Your voice is relaxing.”
Elsa Retallack (retired)
“Wonderful, creative, lots of avenues to market.”
Sharon van Buuren (Life Coach)
“Very nice lyrics and nice tempo. Good dancing music. Good arrangement. Very well put together.”
Ralph Lizee (retired)
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