" B.C. Joyride "... a Rock Anthem

This song was written and recorded by Todd ORLANDO Perusini. He is a B.C. artist who put words to music with the intention of making a positive contribution to the people and province of British Columbia
Patriotism and Pride in our Homeland
The song reminds British Columbians of the lifestyle we share and some of the good things this province has to offer. It heightens our awareness of the beauty, splendour and scope of this province. The anthem proclaims B.C. as an idyllic holiday destination and encourages residents as well to consider staying home for a first class vacation.
Are the people of B.C ready to embrace an anthem of their own?
In Orlando’s words “this majestic province is truly one of the most breath taking places on earth and well deserving of a song or two". It was conceived while casually studying a USA map during a long drive from Canada to Mexico. While looking at the various cities, towns and states, Orlando came to realize that an overwhelming number of songs have been written about places in the USA, but next to nothing being sung about the wonderful provinces and territories in Canada. “On all my trips abroad I have always been reminded of the beauty and splendour of British Columbia and how fortunate we are to be living in this corner of the world”.
To the Province of British Columbia,
to the people of this land,
to those who have visited,
to those who are planning the trip,
and to Mother Earth
I give you “B.C. Joyride”